How To Tell If You Have Bats In Your Attic

Posted on September 27, 2021
Small brown bat flying under roof of Burlington attic
Bats are nocturnal creatures that live in a colony, eat insects, and like to roost in dark, secluded places like attics. While they are generally made out to be extremely dangerous, they are not. Bats are typically harmless, but they can carry disease like rabies. If you think there are bats living in your attic, we can help you identify the signs so you can begin the removal process as soon as possible.

Rub Marks Near Entry Points

Bats live in a colony and like to roost in high, secluded, and dark places. This makes attics the best place for bats. While bats are looking for a place to live and have pups, they can climb and slip into small cracks or holes in a home. If you find a streaky oily spot or dirt mark around the exterior of your home, you may have found the spot where a family of bats entered – and your infestation started.

Remember to seal any fractures in your siding to get rid of any chances of bats moving into your home.

1. You Hear Sounds From Your Attic And Walls

Mice and raccoons that have snuck into your home make a lot of noise – and bats are no exclusion! When bats fly outside, they are typically very quiet. But, in a room or your home, the noise can sound louder. It is also possible that bats could be flying into the walls or other objects in your attic or worse – a bat could be trapped in a wall of your home.

Bats are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are only active at dawn and dusk. But, if your attic is closed off from the rest of your home and there are no windows, it is possible that a bat stuck in your house could be active during the day as well as at night. Keep an ear out for any noises from your attic!

2. You Are Finding Bat Guano (Bat Droppings)

Four brown bats hanging from rafters of Burlington attic

Bat guano or bat droppings is the first sign you should look for in your house or attic. Just like any other animal, a bat will leave droppings around any area that they frequent – including your property.
If you suspect that there are bats living in your house, search for bat guano around near entry points (i.e., A window, cracks in your siding, chimneys, etc.) and in your attic insulation. Bat guano is dark brown and pebbly looking, so it may be relatively easy to identify.

If you find bat guano around or in your home, this is a tell tale sign that bats may be – or were at some point – living in your house. Call a pest control company to seek their services. Bat guano is bad for the health of humans and any pets you may have, so make sure to clean it up safely.

3. Brown Stains On Your Ceiling

If there are bats in your attic for a long period of time, there is a chance that you will see signs on your ceiling. Bat guano, urine, and other droppings are likely to build up and soak through and stain your patches of your ceiling a brown or yellow colour.

4. A Strong Odor In Your Attic

Family of baby bats hanging upside-down in corner of Burlington attic
If you visit the attic in your house and notice a very strong smell, this may be a sign that there are bats living in your attic. Like any other animals, bats’ urine and droppings smell strongly of ammonia. This is a pungent smell that can be irritating to your nose and bad for your health if you breathe in too much.

5. Seeing Bats Or Bat Pups

If you see a bat flying or roosting in your home, there may be a bat living in your attic! While the bat may have snuck in through some holes in your siding or another entry point, it is important to search your property for any other bats.

Finding a dead bat is also a sign that there could be other bats living your home. Call a wildlife infestation or pest control company to begin the bat removal process.

If You Have Found Bats In The Attic

Now that you have figured out what signs to look for, you may be certain that you have bats living in your attic. If you do, you are probably wondering how you can get rid of them safely. Contact a local wildlife removal company so their professionals can inspect the area and determine if they can remove the animal. Some bat species are protected by the law in Canada, meaning that they cannot be killed or removed from their roost if they are found to be a presence in your home. Wildside Wildlife Removal & Prevention Ltd. will quickly and humanely remove any bats found in your attic.